Magic realism
Magic realism (also known as magical realism or marvelous realism) is a style of fiction and literary genre that paints a realistic view of the modern world while also adding magical elements. Magical realism, perhaps the most common term, often refers to literature in particular, with magical or supernatural phenomena presented in an otherwise real-world or mundane setting, commonly found in novels and dramatic performances. Despite including certain magic elements, it is generally considered to be a different genre from fantasy because magical realism uses a substantial amount of realistic detail and employs magical elements to make a point about reality, while fantasy stories are often separated from reality. Magical realism is often seen as an amalgamation of real and magical elements that produces a more inclusive writing form than either literary realism or fantasy. (source: Wikipedia)
Night - 90x60cm
Night - 90x60cm
Night - 80x60cm
Evening - 80x60cm
Day - 80x60cm
Morning - 80x60cm
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